Holy Trinity is a smaller, neighborhood parish in Atwater Village, Los Angeles, California. The parish was established in 1925. Our church building seats about 350 people, and has retained many traditional styles that make Catholic churches distinctive and reflect our parishoner's intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and His Real Presence in the Blessed Sacrament.
We serve Catholics and the community at large by offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass daily, operating the parish school and involving our parishoners in many ministries and apostolates. We hope this site will help to familiarize you with our community and those who serve you.
We welcome all people to Holy Trinity Parish. If you have not done so, we encourage you to become a registered parishioner. Please stop by the parish office and we will be more than happy to welcome you to our parish family.
Welcome to your parish.
Sunday Mass Schedule for 3/9:
7:30am Mass: Fr. Brian
9am Mass: Guest Priest
10:30am Mass: Monsignor Herres
12pm Mass: Fr. Mike
1:30pm Mass: Monsignor Herres
5pm Mass: Fr. Mike
Centennial Celebration:
Holy Trinity is turning 100! Our celebration will conclude with a special mass on June 15, 2025 during The Feast of Holy Trinity. Follow us on social media for more up to date information. Or visit our Centennial webpage.
Holy Trinity FlockNote:
We invite you to sign up for Flocknote which is a parish communication tool that we use to email and text parishioners with parish updates and any important changes to the mass/parish schedule. You can also sign up by texting HOLYTRINITYLA to 84576. https://holytrinityla.flocknote.com
Capital Campaign Projects:
Parking Lot Repaving - Completed
New Sound System - Completed
Choir Loft Carpet Replacement - Completed
Altar Carpet Replacement - Completed
Confessionals Renovation - Completed
Statue Restoration - Completed
Stations of the Cross Restoration - Completed
Rectory Backyard Improvements - Completed
Rectory Window Replacement - Completed
Rectory Phone System Replacement - Completed
Parking Lot Fence Replacement - In Progress
These projects were made possible by your generosity towards our Called to Renew Capital Campaign.
Holy Trinity is on Social Media:
Follow us on social media for the latest parish news, Facebook Live Streams and upcoming events.
Click on the social media icons on the top of the page to follow us.
Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea. Entered St. John’s Seminary College and became an ordained priest in 2000. Previous assignments include Our Lady of the Rosary, Paramount to Mother of Sorrows, Los Angeles, Between these two, Has served as an associate pastor, chaplain, administrator, and pastor at various parishes in the Archdiocese.
We offer daily masses twice a day during the weekday and several weekend masses that fulfill your Sunday Obligation. Confessions are offered on First Fridays and Saturdays.