Dear Holy Trinity Family,
I would like to thank all of you for your generosity for the Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund we had last
Sunday. Whenever one of our brothers and sisters is hurt, it is our hurt as well. With your love and thoughtfulness for
those needed families, I am sure they will ease their pains, dismay, and grief. Let us keep all victims of this
devastating catastrophe in our prayers. If you would like to continuously support them with your finance, please visit
this link: Also, this is a bulletin message both in English and Spanish from the
Archdiocese of Los Angeles regarding this emergency relief fund.
Bulletin/General Announcement for the Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has established a Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund to help the victims of
the recent wildfires. There will be a special second collection in the month of January at parishes in the Archdiocese
for the fund to provide grants for food, clothing, and other needs due to the recent wildfires. Anyone who would like
to donate to help our brothers and sisters who are suffering because of the fires, please contribute to the second
collection for the Wildfire Victims Emergency Relief Fund or directly online at :
fires/. Requests for assistance will be made through your local parish, and the funds will be provided as a one-time
grant to those in need effective immediately. Thank you for your support to help those who are suffering and have
lost so much through these devastating events. Let us continue to offer our prayers for all who have been impacted by
the wildfires and for the first responders and all volunteers who are on the front lines.
La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles ha creado el Fondo de Emergencia para las Víctimas de los Incendios para ayudar a
las víctimas de los recientes incendios que están sufriendo debido a la devastación. Habrá una segunda colecta
especial durante el mes de enero en las parroquias de la Arquidiócesis para recaudar dinero para el fondo que
distribuirá ayuda financiera para alimentos, ropa y otras necesidades debido a la destrucción de los incendios
recientes. Cualquier persona que desea donar para ayudar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas que han sido afectados
por los incendios, por favor contribuya a la segunda colecta para el Fondo de Emergencia para las Víctimas de los
Incendios o directamente en Las solicitudes de ayuda se harán a través de su
parroquia local y los fondos se proporcionarán a los necesitados inmediatamente como pago único. Gracias por su
apoyo en ayudar a todos los que están sufriendo y han perdido tanto a causa de estos eventos devastadores.
Continuamos ofreciendo oraciones para todos los afectados por los incendios y por los equipos de intervención
inmediata y todos los voluntarios que están en la primera línea.
Let us keep praying for people and communities who have been affected by wildfires. May God bless all of us in this
time of disasters!
Fr. Brian