We Invite you to join in our activities to protect human life from conception to natural death. Spend an hour of silent adoration and rosary prayer every Tuesday from 5-6pm for the unborn children. We gather at abortion clinics for 40 days of prayers to end abortion and to offer women and couples help and advice. We promote pro-life government bills and ordinances. To each our parish teens about dignity and respect for life. Walk for Life is held once a year in the L.A. Super Bowl.
If you wish to have more information about Respect for Life activities, please call the rectory and leave a message for Miriam Burger, Elena Wright or Maria Jimenez.
Come join the Divine Mercy Apostles Prayer group in pleading for mercy and forgiveness for ourselves and for the whole world every Thursday evening after the 7pm mass in room 1 of Holy Trinity School. Benediction and healing service is the last Thursday of the month. There is no membership required, just come and spend some time to say a prayer to praise and adore our Lord with all our hearts for His Divine Mercy.
Meeting days and times: On the last Thursday of each month, there will be Benediction and Healing Service at the church.
Membership: No requirements and no duties. Just come to offer and devote your time to praise and adore Our Lord with all your heart for His Divine Mercy. Join with the group to recite the Rosary adnt eh Chaplet of Mercy and meditate for His Unfathmoble Mercy.
We are looking for people who can share your faith, time and talents with others. We need dedicated and committed volunteers to work as teaches and aides. We are in charge of all of these activities.
Sacramental Program: First Confession/Commmunion
Continuing Education
Adult Education for Parents
Religious ED Children's Choir
First Saturday Family Mass
R.E.A.P Merit Awards
Religion Contests
Family Rosary Circle
C.L.A.S.S: Children's Litury and Altar Server Service Club
Affirmation Sunday
Auxiliary Function
Annual Living Rosary
May Procession
Monthly Patrician
Parish Activities:
Mentor Engaged Couples
Serve at 10:30am Mass
Small Faith Communities
Outreach Ministries
Promote Invitation to Serve
Post-Wedding Program
Post-Baptism Program
Alay kay Maria
Sponsor Couples to Retreats
Support Pastoral Council's Programs and Functions
Interested couples are welcome to join
With the blessings of Father James McElroy, the Simbang Gabi Novea commenced on December 1986. Holy Trinity is one of the few churches in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles that completes the full nine day novena.
If you wish to sponsor a Simbang Gabi Mass, please contact Carmeling Mordeno
Andrew Villa: Accompanist/Cantor 5pm Saturday and Sunday 10:30am masses
Susan Chakmakian: Cantor 5pm Saturday
Melissa Bridge: Organist 5pm Sunday
Stephanie: Cantor 5pm Sunday